Educación y Ciencias Sociales

Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Languaje

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Online: 25/10/2024


5 trimestre









Descripción del

Magíster en Enseñanza del Inglés


The process of innovation in the Master’s Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language reflects its interest in continuously interrogating its ethos in light of its consistency with institutional guidelines and environmental demands.

The MEI program effectively incorporates the foundational principles of the Institutional Educational Model into its implementation, namely, the Integrated Formative Experience Approach and the Pedagogical Approach. The former is integrated, for example, through the co-constructed provision of solutions for the current development of the profession, while the latter is integrated through active methodologies of participant-centered learning and their experiences, as well as evaluative processes based on performances that promote reflection on teaching and learning processes in English.

The MEI program aligns with the purposes of postgraduate education as it seeks the development of applied knowledge relevant to the professional environments of the participants, based on theoretical reflection on the teaching and learning of English.

The MEI program also responds to socio-political demands regarding the teaching and learning of English in formal instructional environments. Firstly, the program focuses on the foreign language that, by default, public policy has continuously privileged since the late nineties. The implementation of a policy that improves the quality of English learning as a foreign language is inevitably mediated by the generation of learning opportunities by highly qualified teachers. The aforementioned role associated with the teacher has been consistently and empirically emphasized by relevant literature, which translates into highly qualified teachers meeting disciplinary and pedagogical standards. In this regard, the 2021 standards build on almost a decade of experience since the enactment of the guiding standards published in 2014. The current standards focus on the formative role of the teacher; recognize the complexity of teaching; and are recognized as ‘professional values.’

Internationalization: International internship “English Teaching in a Global Context” The Missouri State University internship, in collaboration with the Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Andrés Bello University, strengthens the skills of English teachers. Available for MEI students and graduates and English teachers from Chile or Latin America. More information here


Director(a) del Programa

Silvina Zapata

Academic competencies:
  • Doctor of Education - Higher Education (EdD). University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.
  • Master of Arts in Education, TESOL, United States International University, USA.
Professional skills (current and relevant).
  • Teacher Education.
  • More than 20 years of experience teaching first-year University students.
  • Investigative Educational Research in emotional factors that influence university students’ academic self-efficacy
Research or outstanding achievement obtained.
  • Research in university students’ emotions, self-efficacy, and academic outcomes.
  • Outstanding Master of Arts in Education award.
Silvina Zapata

Equipo Docente

Danisa Salina

Dánisa Salinas
Academic competencies:
  • Ph. D. degree in Education, Master’s degree in Linguistics, English teacher, Elementary school teacher.
Professional skills (current and relevant).
  • Over 12 years of experience forming teachers of English.
  • EFL teaching/learning process, Applied Linguistics, methodology.
Research or outstanding achievement obtained.
  • Teacher Identity, Second Language Acquisition, and teacher formation


Mauricio Véliz Campos
Academic competencies
  • Doctor in TESOL and Education, Exeter University; MA in English Applied Linguistics, USACh.
Professional skills
  • Foreign language education
  • Foreign language teacher education
  • Cognitive variables in L2 learning
Research or outstanding achievement (current and relevant)
  • Proven record securing external research funding as lead researcher
  • Peer reviewer for Scopus-indexed journals
  • Peer assessor for National Commission of Accreditation

Marco Cancino

Marco Cancino
Academic competencies:
  • EdD. Doctorate in TESOL and Applied Linguistics. Universidad of Bristol, England (2011-2015).
  • MsC. Master's in Applied Linguistics and Second Language acquisition. Universidad of Oxford, England (2010-2011).
  • Teaching qualification (EFL teacher); Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile (2004-2005). B.A. English Language and Literature; Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile (2000-2003).
Professional skills (current and relevant).
  • Academic researcher and professor at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
  • Has published with both undergraduate and postgraduate students in indexed journals (WoS, SCOPUS).
  • Knowledge of quantitative, qualitative, and discourse analysis research approaches.
Research or outstanding achievement obtained.
  • Recent publications and conferences. Awards:
  • Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) Becaschile Magister en el extranjero. Scholarship 2010 for Master’s studies.
  • Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) Becaschile Doctorado en el extranjero. Scholarship 2011 for doctoral studies.
  • National Research and Development Agency (ANID). FONDECYT. Research grant (2022-2024). 11220047

Masatoshi Sato

Masatoshi Sato
Academic competencies:
  • PhD: McGill University, Canada. Master: McGill University, Canada. Undergraduate: Kobe University, Japan.
Professional skills (current and relevant).
  • TESOL certificate (graduate-level from University of New Mexico)
Research or outstanding achievement obtained.
  • Editor of Language Awareness (Taylor & Francis), ISI, Q1
  • ACTFL/MLJ Paul Pimsleur Award (2014)

Rik Bair

Richard Bair
Academic competencies:
  • PhD in Education, Instructional Design for Online Learning, Capella University, USA.
  • Master of Education in Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Grand Canyon University, USA.
  • A. Liberal Studies, Salisbury University, USA.
Professional skills (current and relevant).
  • Curriculum Design, Team Building, Classroom Management.
Research or outstanding achievement obtained.
  • Research in Classroom pedagogy and virtual classrooms.


Paulina Moya Santiagos
Academic competencies:
  • PhD in Education©. University College London, Institute of Education. United Kingdom.
  • Master of Arts in TESOL (Teaching of Speakers of Other Languages). University College London, Institute of Education. United Kingdom
Professional skills (current and relevant).
  • Educational Public Policy.
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Critical Pedagogy
Research or outstanding achievement obtained.
  • Research or outstanding achievement obtained: a) A recent publication on Chilean educational policy regarding indigenous languages and their revitalisation; b) participation in international seminars and conferences; c) Member of the Red Nacional Maestros de Maestros (2019);
  • Awards: a) Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Chile (ANID) Becas Chile Doctorado en el Extranjero - Scholarship 2019 for Doctoral studies; b) Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Chile (ANID) Becas Chile Doctorado en el Extranjero - Scholarship 2014 for Master's studies; c) Semi-finalist of the Global Teacher Prize Chile in 2018.

Rocío Rivera Cid

Rocío Rivera Cid
Academic competencies:
  • Doctorado en Educación Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de México©.
  • Master’s degree in TEFL; Elementary and secondary education teacher of English; Certified as a teacher of English for higher education.
Professional skills (current and relevant).
  • Over 11 years of experience forming teachers of English and teaching English to undergraduate translators and interpreters.
  • Over 8 years of experience teaching methodology to graduate students.
  • Oral examiner for Cambridge ESOL certifications with over 12 years of experience.
Research or outstanding achievement obtained.
  • Outstanding MA in TEFL award

Maritza Rosas Maldonado

Maritza Rosas Maldonado
Academic competencies:
  • PhD in Applied Linguistics, University of Liverpool, England. Master's in Linguistics, Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Teaching qualification (EFL teacher); Universidad de Los Lagos. Osorno, Chile
Professional skills (current and relevant).
  • Teacher education
  • Educational research in initial teacher education and teacher development
Research or outstanding achievement obtained.
  • Awards: Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) Becaschile Doctorado en el extranjero. Scholarship 2008 for doctoral studies.
  • National Research and Development Agency (ANID). FONDECYT. Research grant (2018-2021). 11181138

Perfil de Egreso


The graduate of the Master’s Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Universidad Andrés Bello possesses theoretical and empirical knowledge of the epistemological foundations of English teaching and learning processes. They develop innovative pedagogical proposals situated in various educational environments, in the areas of teaching and learning methodologies; planning, design, and evaluation, based on factors influencing English learning and teaching, their critical reflection, and inquiry into pedagogical practices.

Upon completion of the program, the graduate will achieve the following Learning Outcomes:

·         LO1: To argue, based on critical reflection and inquiry into pedagogical practices in the disciplinary area, about the role of various factors influencing English learning and teaching.

·         LO2: To ground pedagogical proposals that consider the theoretical, empirical, and epistemological knowledge of English teaching and learning processes, aimed at their improvement in various educational environments.

·         LO3: To design pedagogical proposals, innovative and situated, in the areas of methodologies or planning, design, and evaluation of English teaching and learning processes, based on epistemological knowledge, critical reflection, and inquiry into the pedagogical context.

The training provided enables graduates to professionally perform in educational environments such as the school system, binational institutes, and higher education in the field of English teaching.



  • The General Objective of the Master’s in Teaching English as a Foreign Language is to train a graduate capable of acting with informed professional agency based on a theoretical body and critical reflection on pedagogical practices in order to improve/enhance the teaching and learning processes of English as a foreign language for students from different age groups.


·         To provide tools that enable the consolidation of knowledge, skills, and abilities in participants so that they can carry out situated inquiry associated with English teaching-learning phenomena in formal instructional contexts.

·         To create learning opportunities related to contextualized and informed use, both from second language learning theories and empirical research, of various methodologies for teaching English to develop various linguistic-communicative skills, using technological tools.

·         To provide theoretical-practical elements related to English learning planning processes, evaluation of and for English learning as a foreign language, and subsequent evaluative instruments.

·         To facilitate spaces that allow for the deepening of conceptualizations associated with contextualized pedagogical management in the classroom through co-constructed critical reflection considering the diverse learning needs of students in a conducive learning environment.

Plan de Estudios

The Master’s in Teaching English as a Foreign Language considers the following development lines:

  • Methodologies for teaching and learning English as a foreign language: A line that addresses the critical analysis, controlled implementation – when possible – and evaluation of theoretical-practical aspects that underpin the teaching and learning process of English as a foreign language. Within these aspects, teaching methodologies, contextual variables, and individual factors of the English language learner are considered.
  • Planning, design, and evaluation in the context of teaching and learning English as a foreign language: A line that addresses critical reflection on the curriculum planning and design cycle; the planning of creative learning opportunities for teaching English as a foreign language adapted to different educational contexts, and evaluation for learning.


The Master’s in Teaching English as a Foreign Language is taught on a trimester basis and has a duration of 5 trimesters. The curriculum consists of 13 mandatory courses, including the Final Degree Project II.

Curricular Structure

1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3rd Trimester 4th Trimester 5th Trimester
Second Language Acquisition: Theories and Approaches Planning, Design, and Syllabus Development Assessment for English Language Learning Management and Planning in the Classroom Incorporating an Inclusive Approach Final Degree Project II
Methodology, Creativity, and Resource Design I Methodology, Creativity, and Resource Design II Use of ICTs for Teaching English Language Learning Research Development in the Teaching Context
Academic Writing in English Seminar: Current Trends Situated Inquiry in the Classroom: Initial Exploration Final Degree Project I



Candidates for the Master’s Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language must hold a degree as an English teacher, a state-certified English teacher, a Bachelor’s degree in English, a Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature or related degrees, English translators, teachers of secondary, primary, or early childhood education, or meet the language proficiency requirements. (*)

(*) Refers to one of the highest levels of proficiency in a foreign language, according to the Common European Framework, expressed in a combination of letters and numbers from the lowest (A) to the highest (C). In this case, a level of C1 is expected, a level that at least English teacher applicants should have demonstrated at the time of graduation.

Applicants must complete the application form and attach the following documents:

  • Identity Card or Digital Birth Certificate. For foreign students who do not have an Identity Card for foreigners, a photocopy of the Passport may be presented.
  • High School Diploma (*).
  • Original or legalized copy of the Bachelor’s Degree certificate and/or Professional Title certificate
  • Letter of Intent.
  • Undergraduate transcript of records.
  • Two letters of recommendation.
  • Updated Curriculum Vitae.
  • Oral interview in English.
  • Argumentative essay in English focusing on current topics in the teaching of English as a foreign language.

(*) It is not a requirement for admitting applicants to postgraduate programs, since the titles and degrees that, according to the law, must be requested to admit their entry into Master’s and Doctoral programs are assumed. The above, pursuant to Letter No. 1028 of the Higher Education Superintendence.

In the case of foreign students, applicants from countries that are parties to the Hague Apostille Convention shall submit their documents in accordance with the procedure established for such cases. Applicants from countries that are not parties to said Convention must submit their documents authenticated by the Chilean Consul in the country of origin and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile.

The complete documentation must be submitted at the time of application for admission.

The selection process for applicants will be based on the fulfillment of the criteria defined above, considering the following weighting for academic and professional credentials:

  • Letter of Intent : 15%
  • Professional and Academic Development (CV) : 15%
  • Undergraduate transcript of records : 5%
  • Letters of Recommendation : 5%
  • Interview : 40%
  • Essay : 20%



¿Por qué postular al programa?

The teaching-learning methodology of the Program includes strategies to promote student-centered teaching, facilitating the acquisition of learning. Some of the strategies addressed by the program include:

  • Interactive lectures.
  • Interactive lectures
  • Debates
  • Case studies
  • Investigative work
  • Class presentations and guided discussions
  • Online collaborative activities (in small groups and plenary)
  • Learning forums
  • Peer learning
  • Project-based learning
  • Micro-classes
  • Reading bibliography



  • We offer FOUR partial tuition scholarships (academic excellence scholarship) for first-year students:


    • Application Process: The scholarship is awarded based on the analysis of academic performance of first-year students who apply once they have completed and passed the first three modules corresponding to the first trimester.


    • Application Requirements:
      • Applicants must have a grade average of 6.0 or higher in the first three modules of the MEI program.
      • Applicants must be regular students of the MEI program at the time of applying for the scholarship.
      • Applicants must submit a letter of application addressed to the program director.
      • Applicants must not have any academic or financial block with the University.


    • Procedure: The Academic Committee of the program will reach a decision based on the corresponding analysis and will inform the final results to the applicants in due course.



  • We offer THREE scholarships to pursue a program leading to an online certificate with the University of Miami for first-year students:


    • Application process: The scholarship is awarded based on the analysis of all weighted criteria evaluated during the admission process. The three applicants with the best results are selected.


    • Application requirements:
      • Applicants must be regular students of the Master’s Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MEI) at the time of applying for the scholarship.
      • Applicants must submit a letter of application addressed to the MEI program director. The deadline to submit this letter is from the moment you are accepted to the MEI program until the end of the first week of classes.
      • Applicants must sign a commitment letter to complete the program leading to certification.


    • Procedure: The MEI Academic Committee will reach a decision based on the corresponding analysis and will inform the final results to the applicants in due course.


    • Note: Students who successfully complete a program leading to an online certificate online with the University of Miami will receive credit for two modules of the MEI program.


*These scholarships are available for students enrolling in the October 2024 intake.



  • We offer TWO partial scholarships for an internship with Missouri State University.


    • Application process: The partial scholarship is awarded based on the analysis of the academic performance of students at the end of the third trimester.


    • Application requirements:
      • Applicants must have a grade average of 6.0 or higher in all modules of the first three trimesters.
      • Applicants must be regular students of the MEI program at the time of applying for the scholarship.
      • Applicants must submit a letter of application addressed to the MEI program director.
      • Applicants must not have any academic or financial block with the University.


    • Procedure: The MEI Academic Committee will reach a decision based on the corresponding analysis and will inform the final results to the applicants in due course.


*These scholarships are available for students enrolling in the October 2024 intake.


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